
I want your skulls

Before I started my apprenticeship, when Ed was just trying to help me with my artwork and grooming me to going to another shop, he showed me Uncle Allan's artwork. I thought all the stuff on his website was incredible, I really liked it. Looking at his blog though recently, his artwork has gotten soooo much better, it's ridiculous, he really knows what he's doing.
When it came time for me to start learning line work Troy and I just took turns tattooing Uncle A flash on each other. So one of my early pieces was one of his skull and crossbones. I just shaded and colored it the other day, this is the result:

The only thing I really don't like about it is the red cross bone in front of the skull, it looks like a clown nose. Also some of the dark green coloring in the temple area isn't smooth at all. Other than that I'm pretty happy about it. I was very happy with the color burst behind it.

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